Truck Traffic

On April 15, 2019, Council approved a resolution regarding truck safety in Lincoln. The motion identified several concerns related to truck traffic and identified several action items to address the concerns. Truck traffic safety strategies are a high priority for the Town in responding to resident concerns to help improve road safety throughout the community.

The Town’s Transportation Master Plan developed comprehensive strategies for the movement of goods which requires ongoing partnership with the Niagara Region and other key agencies such as the Minister of Transportation and Niagara Region Police Services.

Current Status

The challenges regarding goods movement are multi-faceted and the solutions will require cooperation between multiple municipalities and different levels of government. The process to implement the ultimate truck route solution requires some key short-term solutions before the longer term, ultimate plan can be constructed.

Beamsville Truck Route Implementation Study Completion

This project has been successfully completed, with the report's recommendations, including signage and paint marking changes, fully implemented. Additionally, these improvements and recommendations from this report will effectively enhance the Niagara Escarpment Crossing IEA.

Study Overview

To move forward with the Beamsville Truck Route short term solution, the Town undertook an implementation study. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the proposed alternate route and identify deficiencies related to truck safety, traffic operations, utilities, street lighting, active transportation, and roadway geometry that may pose a challenge to trucks diverted to the by-pass.

The results of this study include the mitigation measures recommended and their associated preliminary cost estimates. This study informs the detailed design and construction phases required to implement the alternate route. This study also encompasses key issues related to complete streets and Vision Zero.

The Town of Lincoln led the Beamsville Truck Route Implementation Study in partnership with the Niagara Region, and with IBI Group leading as the prime consultant for transportation engineering and planning.