Rates & Fees

Definition of charges on your bill

  • Water and Wastewater base charge - billed on a quarterly rate, based on water meter size. This is a flat charge (fixed) that does not fluctuate with consumption 
  • Variable Water rate - based on the amount of water consumed, as measured by the water meter 
  • Variable Wastewater rate - based on the amount of water consumed, as measured by the water meter 

Current Rates 

A new rate model was implemented in 2018 that: 

  • Results in no increase to the variable water rate (usage) annually 
  • Allocates an annual increase to the base charge (fixed) 
  • Includes a seasonal rate that decreases over high season from June to August for variable wastewater (usage) 

Current utility billing rates can by found in our Fees & Charges By-Law. Fees are reviewed annually as part of the budget process and are subject to change.