
You have the opportunity to have your utility bill mailed to a designate, such as a tenant, relative, lawyer or accountant. 

Program Requirements 

Property Owner 

  • If your designate is receiving the utility bill, you still remain responsible for the full payment of all utility bills. 
  • You are responsible for keeping the Town informed of any changes to a designate (i.e. new tenant/agent). You must complete a New Account Set Up  and a Tenant Authorization Request form whenever a designate moves in and a Final Meter Read Request Form when they are moving out.
  • Your designated agent is appointed by you to receive utility bills and notices, make payments and grant the Town access to the property for purposes relating to the provisions of water and waste water management services. 

Please send these forms via email to be processed or via mail: 

Town of Lincoln 

Finance Department 

4800 South Service Rd 

Beamsville, ON L3J 1L3