In 2022, the Town issued two Requests for Offers (RFOs) to sell municipally owned land. The two parcels are described as follows:
Parcel 1 | 4238 Fly Road in Campden
- The lands at 4238 Fly Road in Campden are part of Lot 47, Plan M-13, in the former Township of Clinton, in the Town of Lincoln, Regional Municipality of Niagara.
- The lands are further described as Part 2 on Reference No. 30R-15807.
- The lands are approximately 2,356.2 square metres and contain an existing building previously used for a fire hall.
Parcel 2 | 4195 Fly Road in Campden
- The lands at 4195 Fly Road in Campden are composed of Lot 24, Plan M-13, in the former Township of Clinton, in the Town of Lincoln, Regional Municipality of Niagara.
- The lands are approximately 324.6 square metres and are vacant.