The Park Friends initiative is a new grassroots program that is designed for frequent park users to volunteer their time to aid in reporting park concerns, sharing ideas on park enhancements and being the community connection on upcoming park events.
Goals of the Initiative
- Provides opportunities for residents to gather with friends, family and each other to build a sense of community and maintain the friendliness of the neighbourhood.
- Ensures parks and open spaces are welcoming, safe and provides a range of opportunities for all ages.
- Provides a connection to Town staff for reporting park conditions or safety concerns.
Responsibilities of being a "Friend" could include notifying Town Staff of safety concerns or park conditions when they are in the park, picking up litter and being a liaison between park users and town staff for new initiatives or upcoming events in the park.
How to Become A Friend
Residents can sign up to be a park friend by completing the online form or by picking up a paper copy at the Fleming Centre or Town Hall. Once the form has been completed, residents will receive a welcome package which includes general information about the program and details outlining the responsibilities of a park friend.
For more information on the Park Friends initiative, please email our Recreation Staff.
Thank you for considering being a volunteer with the Town of Lincoln's Park Friend initiative.