Parks, Recreation, & Culture Master Plan

Say How You Play - Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan

The Town of Lincoln developed a Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan in 2019  to guide decisions over the next ten years. Through research and public input, the Master Plan examines service levels in all communities across the Town and establish priorities. The Plan confirms program, service and facility needs and will identify provision strategies to assist with implementation.

Specifically, the Master Plan includes the following:

  • Parks, open spaces and trails
  • Recreation, sport and cultural facilities
  • Programs, events and activities (including those delivered by the community and Town)
  • Operations (such as policy development, staffing, communication, maintenance standards, etc.)
  • Financial and implementation strategies

The final draft plan was presented & adopted by Council in July 2019

The Master Plan is an actionable, working document that can readily adapt to change in community values and address emerging trends. It will assist the Town and local stakeholders in making strategic investments over the next 10 years to ensure a healthy community, improve the quality of life of residents, and encourage a strong economy and sustainable environment.

    Project Timeline & Milestones:

    Phase 1 - Research & Engagement

    Phase 2 - Draft Master Plan

    Draft Master Plan & Appendices:

    Phase 3 - Project Completion (July 2019)