Niagara West offers a wide range of safety programs and services to support our community. In addition to emergency response, we also provide fire prevention services such as public education programs and safety enforcement and inspections.
Fire Safety Education Visits
Niagara West Fire and Emergency Services offers station tours or visits at your location for schools, community groups and organizations. During the tour, you will get to see our fire trucks, equipment and gear all while learning about fire safety.
Please send us an email at at least 30 days prior to date of the requested tour. You must include the following information in the email:
The Town of Lincoln prohibits open-air burning unless you obtain a burn permit, per the Town's Open-Air Fire By-law (PDF). An "open-air fire" is defined as a fire in an open place, yard, field or area not contained or enclosed by a building or structure and includes agricultural fires, chimineas, bonfires, and campfires.
Burn Permits:
- Permits are available online - apply from the safety and convenience of your own home.
- Online permits are available at a discounted rate of $25 and are processed through the online portal.
- In-person permits are available at Town Hall for $65.
- Burn permits are valid for the calendar year, and expire on December 31 of each year.
Apply for your burn permit online
Important Considerations:
- Recreational fires require a minimum clearance of 5 metres (approximately 16 feet) in all directions between the fire and any building, structure, fence, property line, roadway, overhead wire, or combustible material.
- Many residential properties are not large enough to meet the clearance requirements for a lawful open air fire.
- Any person who sets or maintains an open air fire is responsible for ensuring that there are sufficient clearances around the fire.
- Despite having a valid permit, it is unlawful to set or maintain an open air fire that causes smoke, odour, ashes, or embers to invade a neighbouring property thereby creating a nuisance.
- Residents that fail to comply with the regulations (PDF) will result in fines and/or fees of $904 per hour for each fire truck that responds to extinguish an unsafe or unlawful fire.
Reporting a Concern:
- Open air burning complaints should be reported while the offence is occurring.
- Serious threat and/or property damage - Call 9-1-1. Remember, this should only be used if it is an emergency situation as the fire department will be dispatched to respond to an emergency.
- Less serious situations (e.g. smoke is creating a nuisance) - call 905-684-4311, the fire dispatch non-emergency number. A member of the fire department will be dispatched to investigate the complaint.
- Complaints can be filed by completing the Town of Lincoln Online Complaint Form or by leaving a voicemail at 905-563-2799 ext. 289
Sensitive Receptor Registry:
- Sensitive Receptor Registry is an approach whereby the fire department maintains a confidential database of locations where exposure to smoke may pose a particular risk to the health of an individual or group.
- Residents wishing to be placed on the registry would submit a letter from their physician or a notarized statement attesting to the medical need to have their address placed on the Sensitive Receptor Registry.
- Burn Permits would not be issued, nor open-air fires allowed, within 75 metres of a location listed on the Sensitive Receptor Registry.
Flaming Devices
- The use of small flaming devices, such as tiki torches and candles are allowed, provided they are used in a safe manner, never left unattended and kept away from any combustibles.
Flying Lanterns
- The By-law prohibits the use of these Balloon-like “flying lanterns” devices.
- The devices are a fire safety concern because these open flame devices have an uncontrollable and unpredictable flight path when released.
- They can land on trees, rooftops, and other combustible properties while still ignited creating a public hazard.
- The By-law authorizes the Town’s By-law enforcement officers, in addition to Fire prevention staff, to enforce the open air fire by-law, and issue an Order to Extinguish a fire.
False or Frivolous Complaints
- The By-law is in place to ensure that open air fires are safe.
- At times, neighbours are using this matter to solve neighbour disputes rather than a safety concern or true violation of the By-law.
- A monetary penalty and a cost recovery mechanism for repeated responses is now in place for false or frivolous open air burning complaints.
- An appeal mechanism is in place to allow individuals who have been assessed fees or charges under the open air fire By-law, to appeal those fees or charges.
The Lincoln Fire Rescue and Emergency Services provide several fire prevention services.
These include:
- Fire investigations to determine the origin and cause of fires and explosions
- Site and building plans examination
- Fire safety inspections on a request basis for licensing, consultation, and other purposes on a fee-for-service payment
- Inspections on a complaint basis where there are suspected Fire Code infractions, violations of the Open-Air Burning By-law, and fire safety concerns
- Public Education
Fire Safety Inspections
The fire prevention office conducts several fire inspections on a fee-for-service payment to ensure compliance with the Fire Protection and Prevention Act to ensure community safety.
These include:
- Private home daycare (less than 5 children)
- Licenced daycare
- AGCO liquor licence inspection
- Residential
- Assembly Occupancy
- Vulnerable Care Occupancy
- Commercial/Industrial
- Tent/temporary structure
- Medical Marijuana Facility/Clandestine Drug Lab
- Food Truck/Refreshment Vehicle
- Special event inspection
To review pricing and to request a fire safety inspection, you can view and complete this request form (print and bring it to Town Hall) or complete it in person at Town Hall. Payment is required at the time of submitting the request.
Fire Station Tours
Niagara West Fire and Emergency Services offers station tours for schools, community groups and organizations. During the tour, you will get to see our fire station, trucks, equipment and gear all while learning about fire safety.
Please send us an email at least 30 days prior to date of the requested tour. You must include the following information in the email:
- contact information
- date and time of requested
- name of contact person
- phone number and email
- name and address of community group
- accessibility needs
- number of adults attending
- number of children attending
- age of group
We will reach out to you to confirm the tour.
Rules and expectations
Please ensure one adult for every five children under the age of nine. Review the following rules and expectations:
- Do not handle or climb on any fire equipment unless approved and supervised by fire personnel
- Tours are educational and we don't offer the facilities for parties, food or drinks
Please note
The fire crew is on duty and may be called to an emergency at any time. If this happens, visitors will obey the directions of the fire personnel and may be asked to leave the fire station.
When arriving for a station tour, the firefighters may need to respond to an emergency call prior to your arrival. Please note that your scheduled visit may be cancelled upon your arrival but will be rescheduled as soon as possible.
Other topics of interest to keep safe include:
For more information please visit the Fire Incident Reports Page.
For more information please visit the Tanker Accreditation Page.