Municipal Law Enforcement

Municipal Law Enforcement is made up of MLE Officers who work in a team to: respond to complaints, conduct investigations to determine if there is a violation(s) and take the necessary measures to ensure it is corrected.  

The Town’s Municipal Law Enforcement, under the Planning Department, oversees the administration of the enforcement of the municipality’s regulatory by-laws. 

The Town's by-laws  regulate: 
  • Property standards 
  • Clean yards 
  • Noise 
  • Animal care and control 
  • Fouling of roads and many more 

The Town’s Municipal Law Enforcement achieves compliance through education and enforcement of all Town-established by-laws.  The Town has a specialized contract service provider which provides enforcement, education, and compliance measures for the Animal Care and Control by-law. 

Policy & Service Mandate 

Municipal enforcement attempts to balance the needs of everyone involved while upholding confidentiality and due process. 

  • Council is committed to the thorough, prompt and courteous receipt, processing, investigation and resolution of formal complaints within a reasonable amount of time 
  • The Town of Lincoln will respond to formal complaints received from a complainant who must provide their full name, telephone number and address (anonymous complaints will not be accepted
  • The name and any personal information provided by a complainant will remain in the strictest confidence in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will not be revealed to anyone 
  • The confidentiality of the personal information of every alleged offender will likewise be protected and respected 
If the nature of the complaint is: 
  • An active noise concern, OR 
  • Parking-related issue that is a safety concern (i.e., fire hydrant obstruction, sight-line issue at corner clearance, vehicle stopped on major roadway) 
    • Please contact Niagara Regional Police at 905-945-2211, select Option “1”