The Town of Lincoln provides a courtesy flagpole for the community to celebrate opportunities that represent strength in diversity and inclusivity and enhancing awareness of community events. Approval is at the Town's sole discretion.
The Town will fly the flags of:
- Other sovereign nations
- Non-profit organizations
- Other local organizations
Flag Raising requests should be submitted via the form below, a minimum of four (4) weeks in advance of the required date. Flag raising requests will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis, and therefore, the Town may not be able to accommodate all requests received.
Requests will not be approved for:
- Political parties or organizations.
- Commercial entities or in celebration of corporate events.
- Religious organizations or in celebration of religious events.
- Commercial entities or in celebration of corporate events.
- Intent that is contrary to Town policies or By-laws.
- Organizations that espouse hatred, violence or racism, or contradict the Ontario Human Rights Code.
- Organizations that have already flown a community flag during the same calendar year.
To request a flag raising at Town Hall, please complete the form below.