Commemorative Program

Park Amenities Commemorative Program

The Town of Lincoln’s Park Amenities Commemorative Program is an opportunity to provide a unique dedication in honour of a loved one, individual, or group. 

Be a Benefactor, Give a Gift 

  • Donations can be made toward a park, trail or facility amenity such as a tree, bench, picnic table or arena seat within one of the beautiful parks, trails, cemeteries or arenas in the Town of Lincoln.   
  • Each will have the option of a personalized plaque. 
  • Staff will work with donors to determine a specific location, installation and maintenance of the amenity for a predetermined lifecycle, 

Get on "Board" in Charles Daley Park 

Create a legacy to honour family and friends by purchasing a plaque for the waterfront boardwalk at Charles Daley Park  

For information and guidance please contact by phone at 905-563-2799 or by email at


Commemorative Program Application Form

Once the below form has been submitted to the Town and reviewed by Staff, the donor will be contacted to confirm all required information. Please note that a site meeting may be required to confirm the exact location of the donated amenity. After all information has been finalized, Staff will send a final agreement to be signed by the donor. Payment can be completed online, over the phone or in person at Town Hall. All donated amenities are subject to the Conditions listed at the bottom of the form.

If you are requesting multiple of the same item, please specify in the fields below. If you are requesting multiple different items, please fill out a separate request form for each type of item.

Donor Contact Information

Donor Contact

Alternate Contact Information

Alternate Contact

Donation Information

Please specify the number of donations for of this type you are looking to make (Up to 10)

Includes the installation of a 50-60 mm caliper tree, a two year warranty provided by the Town and a personalized 3” x 5” commemorative plaque. Tree planting takes place in the spring and fall. Staff will review the requested species and approve based on the best fit for the location to ensure the long-term health of the tree.

Cost: $809.00

Tree Variety

Please select a tree variety from the list below.

Includes the installation of a personalized 3” x 5” commemorative plaque at the base of an existing tree.

Cost: $234.00

Includes the installation of a concrete pad, a galvanized steel bench and a personalized 3” x 5” commemorative plaque mounted to the bench. The make and model of the bench is at the sole discretion of the Town. Please note that Charles Daley Park is currently full and requests for this location will not be accepted.

Cost: $2,475.00


Includes the installation of a personalized 3” x 5” commemorative plaque on an existing bench.

Cost: $234.00

Includes an accessible hexagonal table (galvanized steel frame and recycled plastic slats) with a personalized 3” x 5” commemorative plaque, placed in an approved location. 

Cost: $2,690.00

Includes the installation of a personalized 2” x 5” commemorative plaque on a boardwalk slat at Charles Daley Park.

Cost: $208.00

Includes the installation of a personalized 2.5” oval commemorative plaque on a seat at the Fleming Centre Arena.

 Cost: $208.00

Maximum of 5 lines, 25 characters per line.  If you are donating more than 1 item, please list each engraving with numbers.
Maximum of 3 lines, 18 characters per line.  If you are donating more than 1 item, please list each engraving with numbers.
Maximum of 2  lines, 20 characters per line.  If you are donating more than 1 item, please list each engraving with numbers.
Please describe the location(s) of where you would like your commemorative donation to be located. If you are donating more than 1 item, please list each location with numbers.
If available, please upload an image of your proposed location. 
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.


  1. I agree to the Park/Facility Amenities Commemorative Program Guidelines which cover how selection of the site is determined and the specific location for the amenity.
  2. I understand that plaques and amenities will not be maintained in perpetuity.  They will be removed when repair is no longer feasible (as determined by the Town) due to damage and deterioration from the natural elements or otherwise.
  3. I understand the plaque will be given to me (or my alternate contact if I cannot be located) when the amenity is removed at the end of its lifecycle (as determined by the Town). If I or my alternate contact cannot be located, the plaque will be stored at a Town facility for a period of three (3) years, after which it will be repurposed or destroyed.
  4. The amenity may be temporarily removed for the purpose of maintenance, construction or park festivals and activities.
  5. Public access to the site or the amenity location may be restricted if it is deemed unsafe due to adverse weather conditions or construction.
  6. In the event of vandalism, the Town will make reasonable efforts to restore the amenity or plaque back to its original state but will not replace either item.
  7. I understand the Town may permanently change the location of the amenity due to park and road improvement or reconstruction work. I (or my alternate contact if I cannot be located) will be informed of this change.
  8. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide the Town with updated personal contact information.

I have read and understand the conditions of this agreement and the Park/Facility Amenities Commemorative Program Guidelines.

Sign above