Report Potholes, Sod Damage, Streetlights & Damaged Signs

The Town regularly patrols our roads to identify any concerns relating to road conditions and safety. Our municipality is geographically large and at times, issues can arise without warning. We appreciate residents assisting by reporting a:

  • Pothole
  • Sod Damage
  • Streetlight Problem
  • Damaged Street Sign

If the damaged street sign is a STOP sign this is an immediate safety issue. Please call Town Hall at 905-563-2799 immediately during office hours or the emergency number for roads at 905-641-0971 after hours. 

Personal information collected in the form below is collected pursuant the Municipal Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of responding to the submission.

Please complete the form below. A staff member will be in contact. 

Please identify location as best you can with either nearest cross street, pole number, direction (e.g., northbound, southbound)
If possible, each pole has a unique number stenciled on it. This will help crews locate the pole easily.
(e.g., burned-out light, flickering light, always on, type of road sign)