Refund/Credit Transfer or Paid the Wrong Account
Requests for refund or transfer of a credit balance due to an overpayment or a payment applied to a wrong account will require proof of payment. Fees may apply. If you have an outstanding balance on your account any applicable credit will be applied to your balance. If you own more than one property, available credits will be applied to outstanding balance(s) on any of your property tax accounts to bring account(s) up-to-date. Refunds will only be issued if your account(s) are paid in full.
Copies of the following are acceptable proof of payment:
- cancelled cheque
- bank statement (showing the payment in question)
- cashier’s paid stamp on a bill/statement paid at one of the Town’s Inquiry and Payment counters
- receipt of debit payment made at one of the Town’s Inquiry and Payment counters
Note: A printout of the payment history from the Utility Bill Lookup is not acceptable proof of payment.
Additional documents are required, if:
Your property has undergone a change in ownership:
- Provide a Statement of Adjustments.
- If a vendor is requesting a refund and a sale has transpired, both the vendor and purchaser Statement of Adjustments along with the vendor’s forwarding address is required.
You are the Power of Attorney or the Executor of the Estate:
- Provide documents assigning Power of Attorney or Executor of Estate.
- Provide a Statement of Adjustments (if applicable).
You are the tenant paying the utility bill and are not listed on the account:
Provide a letter of direction from the property owner.
You are the property owner and your tenant pays the utility bill:
Provide a letter of direction from the tenant.
Refund of Pre-Authorized Payment
If you are enrolled in the pre-authorized payment program and are requesting a refund of an overpayment you may request:
- from your bank or financial institution a Refusal of Payment, or
- a refund from the Town. Your refund will be processed within 30 days from the request date.
Submit Your Request by Email, Fax or Mail:
Send us an email
Town of Lincoln
4800 South Service Road
Beamsville Ontario L3J 1L3