Municipal Water Systems
In the Town of Lincoln, there are:
Two primary water distribution systems, classified as large residential systems
Two minor systems, classified as small non-residential systems
The Town’s primary system infrastructure consists of piping, fire hydrants, valves, pressure reducing chambers and booster pumping stations.
Primary Water Systems
Vineland/Jordan large residential drinking water system
Includes the eastern half of the municipality (between Jordan Road and Maple Grove Road)
- This system receives its supply of treated water from the Region’s Decew Water Treatment Facility in the City of St. Catharines, via a transmission main.
- A Regional booster station exists at the most easterly limit of Lincoln, where re-chlorination also takes place
- One Regional storage reservoir exists for the Jordan-Vineland system on Fifth Avenue (southerly end of Victoria Avenue)
Beamsville large residential drinking water system
Includes the western half of the municipality (between Durham Road and Sann Road)
- This system receives its supply of treated water from the Region’s Water Treatment Plant in the Town of Grimsby via a transmission main.
- Re-chlorination takes place at the Region’s booster station, west of the Town border.
- One Regional storage reservoir exists in Beamsville at the southerly end of Hixon Street.
Minor Systems
The Town also operates two small non-residential systems on a seasonal basis:
- Charles Daley Park
- Beamsville Lions Park
The source of potable water for these systems is water that is transported by water haulers (trucks) from the adjacent large residential municipal drinking water systems. The water in these systems is also treated by an on site ultraviolet disinfection unit.