General 2022 Election Information

Key highlights of the upcoming 2022 Municipal Elections: 

May 2, 2022Nomination period begins
August 19, 2022, at 2 p.m.Nomination Day is the last day to submit or withdraw a nomination before 2 p.m.
August 22, 2022, at 4 p.m.Nominations certified by 4 p.m.
October 5-19, 2022Advanced Online Voting

October 15 & 19, 2022

10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Advanced In-Person Voting (Town Hall)

(Accessible Voting Technologies available during advanced voting)

October 21, 2022Last day for third-party advertisers to file their notice of registration
October 24, 2022Voting Day **
March 31, 2023Deadline for candidates and registered third parties to file their financial statements